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What is Reservation Fee?

A reservation is needed in order for you to have the hold of the unit you wish to purchase.

Reservation fee comes on a first-come first-served basis and will be lessen from your Total Down Payment.

How much is the reservation fee?

  • Diana Townhouse: P10,000

  • Catherine Townhouse: P10,000

  • Adelle Townhouse: P20,000

  • Mabelle Townhouse: P20,000

  • Sophie SIngle Attached: P20,000

  • Margaret Single Attached: P20,000

  • Chessa Single Attached: P20,000

  • Briana Single Attached: P20,000

  • Gabrielle Single Attached: P20,000

  • Alexandra Single Attached: P20,000

Are there discounts on reservation?

Yes. Depending on the developer's protocol .


How long will my reservation fee be valid?

Reservation Fees are valid for 1 month. After the 1 month term, monthly down payment will automatically starts.

Is reservation fees transferrable?

Yes. Subject for approval.


  • Transfer must only be done within 120 days upon reservation of the unit.

  • Request Letter is needed to be submitted to the developer's email.

  • A transfer fee of P3,000 must be paid upon approval.

How can I reserve a unit?

Contact Us! We'll be happy to assist you :)

Upon reserving a unit, a Buyer's Information Sheet (BIS) and Reservation Agreement (RA) Form will be given to the buyer and he/she must fill it up completely.

You can pay the reservation fee upon tripping at the Sales Office or in any Profriends Offices.

Is reservation fees refundable?

No, once payment was made.

What are the grounds for cancellation of the Reservation Agreement?

  • If the buyer/representative fails to attend the Loan Counseling.

  • Inability to pay 3 consecutive monthly down payment / amortization which will result for the forfeiture of their unit.

  • Failure to submit the required documents to the developer or any financing instituion within the said period of time.

  • Premeditated Falsification of any documents.

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